Saturday, May 12, 2012

About Cancer Stricken Kids & Inspiration

A video with cancer stricken kids, dancing with their doctors and nurses, has become viral.
More important - it has put this issue on the agenda!

I have come to know more about these brave kids and their families, thanks to Cherie Blair. The wife of former British prime minister (Tony) is the patron of Clic Sargent - a UK charity, dealing with the needs of kids battling cancer, and their families.  Cherie convinced me to host a cocktail reception in London, and make some of my friends open their hearts and pockets (5000 pounds can take care of the treatments and needs of one kid) to these young victims.

The evening - attended by business people, socialites and media editors - was a success. It was a mixture of good atmosphere, laughs, food&drinks, with lots of emotional moments ...

Three guests brought the best of everybody with their stories: These were young girls, who had been battling cancer, accompanied by their proud parents. Many operations and painful moments, they had gone through, did not take their hope and beauty away. On the contrary! One girl wanted to become a reporter and was so happy, to get invitations there from 
"The Sunday Times" and "The Mail On Sunday."

Towards the end of the evening, I noticed a tearful Suzi Uzikin ...Only few people in the cheerful room knew that the hard working Clic Sargent charity chief had a bad news that week. Yes, cancer.

Late that night, Cherie text messaged me, with full of superlatives about "The great evening!" The ensuing media coverage of the evening had the same emotional tone.

But we need to do more and more to help these children, and support their families. Singer Bret Michaels  told me, he donated  money for this cause. Eric Trump (Donald's son) told me about his own charity, supporting this cause. And Suzi Uzikin just sent me an invitation for her event next month.

* For photos and videos from the evening I hosted for "Clic Sargent" with Cherie Blair, visit my website:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Daphne, from a parent who's son was 18 months when diagnosed with cancer, thank you! Ross was diagnosed with orbital rhabdomyosarcoma, a rare and aggressive cancer. We also went to America for proton beam therapy as this is not available in the UK. Although no longer updated please have a look at his web site, to read more about his journey, pictures and a wee diary of our time in the US, I hope this will inspire you to continue your fundraising. Too many children are dying from cancer here in the UK, not enough funding or awareness. Thanks again, Lesley x
