Friday, May 25, 2012

Clinton, Porn Stars, and ...the M word again

Okay - I must agree - it is very funny. Actually - it is hilarious ...

TMZ (and many other media outlets) reported about former President Bill Clinton, posing happily with two porn stars in a charity event in Monaco.

The porn stars Brooklyn Lee and Tasha Reigh have claimed the Clinton wanted to meet with them. According to these two, the former President was well aware of who they were, when he posed smiling with them. Naturally - these photos are all over the social (and more traditional) media.

Our first reaction is: "Wow! What an embarrassment for the popular Clinton ..."

Trusting Your Host ...
Let us examine it closer though ...

I have hosted private events for Hillary Clinton during her presidential bid.  I attended intimate receptions with Bill (campaigning for his wife) at friends' homes.  I have done the same at my London place. supporting a charity for children with cancer, with Cherie Blair. I hosted another event to my late friend Benazir Bhutto in New York (see "My Benazir" at or at In these cases and many others - the political candidates or celebrities trusted my word, regarding the guest list. I made it my business to know each person (and an approved ahead their partners or guests) before telling my trusting friends: "It is all clear ...Go out there, make your supporters happy, recruit new ones, have fun ..."

Hillary Clinton - whom I support and proud to say, she is my friend - had a problem with one of my guests: a high profile name. She didn't feel comfortable about taking a photo with him at that sensitive time. I couldn't blame her eventhough he flew to meet with her all the way to New York. ...I needed, to accommodate both Hillary and my famous guest, and dance around that they will both have amazing time at the intimate venue without coming face to face with each other.

Hillary was less lucky when she was attending less intimate events. At one of those - a crowded event of hundreds of people she shook hands of a "big supporter," who turned out  to be a criminal on the run ...And Hillary's ex photographer bragged, how he sold these photos to the media ...IMAGINE HOW SHE WAS DOUBLE BETRAY!

And ..How could Hillary know? She relied on the host or the organizers of this event ...


....Trusting Albert Of Monaco ...

If I understood correctly, the host of this lavish event in the aging Monaco was its ruler Prince Albert. Now - I know, there have been many jokes about the Prince of this tiny principality: some had to do with stuttering, others - how he bedded the waitresses and fathered their babies. Of course, there have been additional rumours ...

I am not going THERE ...I know Albert. Stupid - he is not! And he has been trying to do many things right (after doing it wrong ...). I mean it!

His problem is his low self esteem: a consequence of having a strict father, intense relationship with his mother, and his impatient desire to put Monaco on the agenda of the rich and glamorous people, once again. This ambition got him into this bizarre investment to expand his small place into the sea (where else??) ..It went so wrong ...Then - mishandling his illegal kids ...By not recognizing them for a while - he managed to make a non-issue into a major one! Magazine covers.

And ...This three days extravaganza wedding, which reportedly cost  65? 70 million dollars? 

Why?? Because he believed that marring an unemployed, uneducated blonde - would bring millions of tourists and investments into his boring little place.

Instead - he got a media disaster. It would take 65? 70 million dollars to try  correcting it. But Albert is so driven to put Monaco on the international agenda, that he keeps making - how Julia Roberts would say? - "Big mistakes"  

Nobody would ever forget, how he went to every possible party during the Oscars ...A head of state, trying to be taken serious?!

Finally, he figured he really got a big trophy - Bill Clinton. But now that the photo of Bill Clinton is splashed all over the world with these porn stars under his arms, curtosy of Prince Albert, how many leaders do you think would trust Albert


Hey, Porn Stars are not lesser human-beings ..

Saying all that above: here is another angle to look at it. You may find it too liberal?  Let me know!

But porn stars are not - I repeat - NOT! - criminals. They are no lesser people than you and I. They are people who chose to make this kind of living for variety of reasons ...Who are we to judge them??

I had recently chatted with Mary Oberlin  - a nice religious woman.  Her daughter Rachel had become world wide famous for being one of Charley Sheen's goddesses. Mary was so upset about her daughter's choice of career - a porn star. But - she was even more devastated about people questioning if Rachel could be with Charley's kids ...Mary believed that her daughter's paychecks had nothing to do with the way she was brought up and what kind of human being she was. Mary had a point!


So what if Brooklyn and Tasha really admired Bill Clinton and wanted a photo with him? These two might have voted for him???

Do Barack Obama and Mitt Romney know what are the job descriptions of their voters? 
Yet Bill Clinton would find himself once again all over the Jay Leno, David Letterman and other let night shows. I have a feeling the M (Monica) word would surface again .. But this time it will be M for Monaco.

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