Thursday, May 10, 2012

What Do Cameron Diaz And Hillary Clinton Have In Common?

I am sure some of you would answer: "Not much ..."

But  they do share  one thing I value - honesty.

I wrote about how tired I am to read all these articles, dealing with how tired Hillary Clinton looks these days, and how she appeared - god forbid - without hair and make up!

I am friends with Hillary. I have supported her bid for President. She would have made a great President!
Yesterday - Hillary stated: "I don't have time for make up ..."

No, she doesn't! Between falling from planes in different spots of the world, and climbing the stairs (of the planes) back ...

And make-up, hair, healthy regiment: It takes time.

Recently - I met Cameron Diaz in a spa. I was there only for the weekend. She had completed a whole week, by that time. We chatted about many things, including, how we kept fit. Cameron who has one of the best bodies in Hollywood (these never-ending legs) shared with me, that she liked sweating in the gym  or outside. She made no secret, that she took time and effort to stay in (such a good) shape. I found it refreshing, next to several actresses in Hollywood, who like you to think, they fall out of bed that (perfect) way ...

But I really saluted Cameron, when I watched one of the junket interviews, she gave last week, promoting her new movie: "What To Expect, When You Are Expecting?" Cameron who is turning 40 soon, admitted happily, on camera, that it takes time to maintain her looks. Yes!

Both women - Hillary and Cameron - gave a  straight answer to a question, other women would have danced around, and fuel more gossip ...

Their honesty was a win-win.

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